If you are travelling to Europe, don’t do it filmy style

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Visiting Europe is a dream for everyone. While most of us have been introduced to Europe through movies, both Bollywood and Hollywood, there are a few things to shouldn’t be taken seriously, especially if you ’re travelling to Europe in the near future. Because what’s shown on the big screen isn’t necessarily true, and as we are all informed, is purely a work of fiction and imagination.

What may seem funny and interesting on-screen can actually turn out to be a disaster in real life. Here are a few examples of what you need to avoid if you’re visiting Europe, as a solo traveller or with family.

Luggage: Contrary to the movies, travelling to Europe with a shoulder bag will simply make your trip a terrible one. Movie stars who look cool with less luggage are enacting a scene in front of the camera. In real life, there are a few important things you need to carry for your trip; be it books, medicines, camera, maps or even some backup food. And if you’re carrying them already and still feel light, then you’re most welcome to carry a guitar. Rest assured Europe will be impressed by you!

Airport arrival: We’ve seen this one-too-many times. The protagonist storms into the airport at the eleventh hour and makes a totally invalid excuse. Post which, he/ she is allowed to board the plane which for some reason has been waiting. In reality, you need to be at the airport a few hours before the plane takes off. And remember, the check-in process isn’t as simple as what you’ve seen. If you fail to be there on time, you’ll miss your flight and lose a lot of money.

Communication: Movies have always shown that communication happens between travellers and localities quite easily. That’s not the case. Be aware of the basic words and the customs and cultures of a different land as people tend to get offended easily. Also, to ensure seamless communication in Europe, as well as back home, carrying a Europe sim card, will make things easy.


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