Travelling to the USA for the first time

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Travelling aboard for the first time is a mixed feeling. You feel euphoric and anxious in equal measure. And if you’re travelling as a student for higher education, the level of anxiety is probably at its peak. Because stepping into an unknown land for the first time is never easy. Besides the feeling of leaving home for the first time just add to the worries.

Which is why it is important to make sure everything is in place, or at least, the important things before you take off to another land and begin your journey as a complete stranger. With no one to guide you or look after you.

Here are a few important points to consider if you’re travelling to the USA soon, for higher education. And for the first time.

Carry-all-that-you-need: If there’s something you cannot do without, take that along. For instance, if you think books are your best company, carry as many as you can. CDs, laptop, guitar, or just about anything that is important to you, carry. Keep a tab on things you take along as too much or too little can cause inconvenience. To find the right balance and make it a point to feel at home once you land in a new place.

Make notes: All these years someone taking care of you and your needs. Lunch? On time. Medication? Mom’s reminders. Regular check-ups? Dad’s messages. But things will soon change and you’ll need to step into the next phase of your life and take responsibility. Start by making notes and do that even before you take off. That way, you’ll never miss out on anything even if you’re by yourself in the USA.

Be independent: Don’t look for someone who can give you answers. Find your own answers because chances are, in the new country, you’ll forget lanes, won’t find groceries, miss buses, fall sick, wake up to surprises, and a lot more. So mentally prepare yourself for finding answers for every situation and challenge life throws at you. Start right away and make ‘being independent’ a habit.

Stay connected: At home, the importance of staying connected is never felt. Simply because you are connected with family and friends. However, when you leave home and move to a distant land, staying connected becomes a top priority and that really helps. Emotionally and practically. Make sure you have a USA sim card with you before taking off. It goes without saying having an international sim card not only saves you time and energy but money as well.


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